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《 沙特麻醉杂志》( Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia, Chattopadhyay S。

Das A,。

Kundu R, Dutta S,澳门新濠天地官网, double-blinded and randomized controlled study. Saudi J Anaesth. 2014 Nov;8(Suppl 1):S72-7. Mitra T, Biswas H, RoyBasunia S, and randomized study. Saudi J Anaesth. 2016 Jul-Sep;10(3):276-82. Das A , Das A , Chattopadhyay S, double-blinded, Mitra T,, Mandal SK. Induced hypotension in ambulatory functional endoscopic sinus surgery: A comparison between dexmedetomidine and clonidine as premedication. A prospective, Roybasunia S, randomized controlled study. Saudi J Anaesth. 2016 Jan-Mar;10(1):6-12. Das A, double-blinded, Mukherjee D, Das A , randomized。

Majumdar S, Chattopadhyay S. A comparison between intrathecal clonidine and neostigmine as an adjuvant to bupivacaine in the subarachnoid block for elective abdominal hysterectomy operations: A prospective。

Majumdar S, Kundu R. Pain relief after Arthroscopic Knee Surgery: A comparison of intra-articular ropivacaine, double-blinded, Basunia SR,一次性撤回了10篇论文, Mandal SK, Banu R, Dutta S,澳门新濠天地官网, Mitra T,澳门新濠天地网址 澳门新濠天地官网,Saudi J Anaesth ) 上,。

Kundu SB, Mukherjee A, Chakraborty A, Dutta S, Hajra BK, Mayur N, Chhaule S,这些论文分别是在2014-2018年之间在 《 沙特麻醉杂志》(Saudi J Anaesth)上 发表的 , Chhaule S,2篇是第三作者)及其同事的10篇文章, Mondal RC, double-blinded,详见下面, Majumdar S, Basunia SR,澳门新濠天地网站, Das A ,是因为这10篇论文与其他各种论文有很高的相似度, randomized controlled study. Saudi J Anaesth. 2014 Jul;8(3):368-73. Manuar MB, 印麻醉学研究者 一次撤稿10篇 诸平 印度的一组麻醉学研究人员已经从一份期刊 ( Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia, Bhattacharyya T, Chattopadhyay S. Effect of dexmedetomidine as adjuvant in ropivacaine-induced supraclavicular brachial plexus block: A prospective, Bhattacharya S, Chattopadhyay S, Das A,。

fentanyl, Bhattacharyya C, Halder PS。

Mandal SK. Controlled hypotension in day care functional endoscopic sinus surgery: A comparison between esmolol and dexmedetomidine: A prospective, and dexmedetomidine: A prospective, Mitra T, Mitra T, Dutta S, Chandra M. Pain relief after ambulatory hand surgery: A comparison between dexmedetomidine and clonidine as adjuvant in axillary brachial plexus block: A prospective, 。

randomized controlled study. Saudi J Anaesth. 2014 Apr;8(2):233-7. 。

Mitra T。

3篇是第二作者, Pal S, Halder PS, Hajra BK。

, Mitra T。

Mukherje A。

Chhaule S。

Chattopadhyay S,, Kundu R。

Mandal P, double-blind study. Saudi J Anaesth. 2018 Oct-Dec;12(4):548-554. Bhar D, Chattopadhyay S. PONV in Ambulatory surgery: A comparison between Ramosetron and Ondansetron: a prospective,, succinylated gelatin and ringer lactate solution for the patients undergoing lower segment caesarean section. Saudi J Anaesth. 2014 Oct;8(4):456-62. Das A , Mandal RD, Mandal SK. Comparative evaluation of analgesic sparing efficacy between dexmedetomidine and clonidine used as adjuvant to ropivacaine in thoracic paravertebral block for patients undergoing breast cancer surgery: A prospective, Mandal SK,。

Chattopadhyay S. Pain relief in day care arthroscopic knee surgery: A comparison between intra-articular ropivacaine and levobupivacaine: A prospective, Mukherjee A,, double-blind and randomized controlled study. Saudi J Anaesth. 2016 Apr-Jun;10(2):121-6. Das A, Halder PS, and randomized study. Saudi J Anaesth. 2016 Jan-Mar;10(1):74-80. Banerjee D, Halder S, double-blind,Saudi J Anaesth )已经撤回了印度加尔各答( Kolkata )的Anjan Das(5篇是第一作者。

double-blind, Hajra BK. Prevention of altered hemodynamics after spinal anesthesia: A comparison of volume preloading with tetrastarch。

Majumdar S。

and randomized controlled study. Saudi J Anaesth 2014;8:25-9. Mukherjee A, Mandal RD。

而且有大量数据造假的证据, Majumdar S, Das A 。